Leaks from Genshin Impact Point to New Klee and Kaeya Skins

Leaks from Genshin Impact Point to New Klee and Kaeya Skins

Klee and Kaeya are two of the game’s original characters, appearing in Genshin Impact since version 1.0. Klee, the first restricted Pyro character, was originally an S-tier DPS player in the game’s early days. She has subsequently been driven out of the meta, and many players are calling for a revamp to make this problematic Mondstadt character relevant again.

A few people have commented that Kaeya’s skin seems extremely similar to his present clothing. He is one of four free-to-play characters obtained by completing the first couple of tasks. Despite the fact that he is regarded as excellent Genshin Impact support due to his Elemental Burst, many players avoid utilising Kaeya since it is difficult to boost his constellation levels, at least when compared to other four-star characters that may be featured on the Limited Character Banner.