How to update Windows 7 to Windows 11

One of the defining features of Windows 11, is that people who are running Windows 8, 8.1 or even 10 can upgrade to the new version for free. The catch here is that the PC must have the following specifications to actually run the upgraded flavour of Microsoft’s desktop operating system.

For your reference, here are the desirable specifications that your computer must possess.


Now, if your computer also has these specifications, then congratulations, you are one step closer to getting the all-new Windows 11 upgrade.

One of the common questions we have received is –

Can a Windows 7 PC with the required specifications, get the Windows 11 upgrade?

Now, we have not seen a confirmation stating that you can go from Windows 7 to Windows 11 directly, but that said, it’s not impossible for Microsoft to seed the update to PCs running Windows 7, but in case that doesn’t happen, then the only way forward for you is to upgrade your Windows 7 PC to Windows 10, which is a free upgrade by the way, and then follow it up with a jump to Windows 11.