How to backup an Android device

One of the fundamental things you need to know about a smartphone is how to take a backup. Like most other electronic gadgets out there, smartphones are also prone to a few glitches and bugs from time to time. While some of these glitches are resolved with a simple reboot of the device, there are some that render your smartphone unusable. If you are using an Android-powered smartphone, you have all the Google tools at your disposal, and as such, if there is a task you want to complete, there is a corresponding tool or app already available.

This means that if you ever face a phone-crushing glitch on your Android smartphone and you have to perform a complete restore on the same, getting your data back from a backup is super easy. But how do you back up an Android device?

Read on to find out.

Unlock your Android smartphone.
Open the ‘Settings‘ app on the Android smartphone.


How to backup an Android device


Tap on the ‘About Phone option from the settings menu.