Hogwarts Legacy Dominates Sales Chart Once Again, Securing Top Spot for Latest Gaming Rankings

Hogwarts Legacy Dominates Sales Chart Once Again, Securing Top Spot for Latest Gaming Rankings

Hogwarts Legacy’s global success continues, with a fresh report stating that the famous action-RPG topped the Australian sales list in its first week. This development highlights the game’s early momentum, which has already prompted Avalanche Software to reassess its lack of Hogwarts Legacy DLC plans.

So far, the new Harry Potter game has broken a 22-year-old UK sales record and become the most-watched single-player title in Twitch history, as well as WB Games’ largest Steam launch to date. These early milestones alone make it one of the year’s most successful games, especially since it has yet to reach half of its target platforms. According to year-end figures, Avalanche Software is still working on porting the game to last-generation consoles, which have a combined installed base of roughly 300 million copies.