Parity Bit

Meaning – The term parity bit, refers to a binary digit appended to a group of binary digits to make the sum of all the digits, including the appended binary digit, either odd or even as preestablished.

Parity bits are often used in data transmission to ensure that data is not corrupted during the transfer process.

A parity bit is a bit, with a value of 0 or 1, that is added to a block of data for error detection purposes. It gives the data either an odd or even parity, which is used to validate the integrity of the data.

Example of usage“While parity checking is a useful way validating data, it is not a foolproof method. For instance, the values 1010 and 1001 have the same parity. Therefore, if the value 1010 is transmitted and 1001 is received, no error will be detected.”