
GameStop Abandons NFT Marketplace in Crypto Pullback


But the promised digital asset trading revolution never quite materialized for GameStop. And with crypto regulation in flux, the company decided the prudent move was to decouple from blockchain entirely.

In the alert to users, GameStop is quick to reassure that while transactions will cease on its marketplace, customers’ existing NFT assets live securely on the blockchain. And they can still be accessed or sold through other crypto platforms and services.

So for die-hard GameStop apes holding valuable bored ape NFTs or $GME token collectibles, fear not ? your digital treasures are safe and very much still yours, even as GameStop beats a wholesale retreat from the Web3 space.

It’s another gut punch ending for gamers and investors who bought into the GameStop NFT hype. But an unsurprising strategic shift as the crypto winter drags on, freezing out riskier ventures across the industry.