Gamers Can Get Free Candy Using the MultiVersus Code

MultiVersus is a free-to-play multiplatform game launched in 2022 by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, using characters from the Warner Bros. portfolio. MultiVersus, based on Nintendo’s popular crossover battle Super Smash Bros., allows players to handle characters ranging from Batman to Adventure Time’s Jake the Dog in 2-vs-2 bouts. The game was generally well-received upon release, having the biggest player count of any fighting game to date on Steam even before its official debut, and has continued to release additional content, most recently adding Black Adam to MultiVersus’ roster.

Players who want to acquire some Halloween apparel at the MultiVersus candy store before the Monster Mash event finishes on November 15th may now do so with a limited-time promotional coupon. Players who input the code “HAPPYHALLOWEEN2022” on the MultiVersus website’s Redeem Code page will get 1,000 sweets to spend during the special holiday event, allowing them to dress their favourite characters in frightening Halloween-themed attire. While some variant costumes available for purchase demand more than 10,000 pieces of candy, gamers utilising this code may purchase a Tom & Jerry variation with enough candy left over to get a pumpkin patch profile symbol without ever having to play a round.