Elden Ring Fan Creates Hollow Knight Characters from Bosses

Elden Ring Fan Creates Hollow Knight Characters from Bosses

Reddit user lub270d shared an image of an intriguing artwork of several Elden Ring bosses on the social media platform. The intriguing aspect of this Elden Ring art is that it depicts the bosses as characters from Hollow Knight, a popular 2D adventure game. According to the caption, this is the first part of a series in which they have drawn Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula bosses in the style of Hollow Knight. The image depicts 32 bosses found in Elden Ring’s Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula areas, divided into six rows. The Grafted Scion, Soldier of Godrick, Demi-Human Chiefs, Stonedigger Troll, Patches, Black Knife Assassin, and Mad Pumpkin Head are among the names in the first two rows.