Doom Slayer replaces Kratos in God of War Mod

Doom Slayer replaces Kratos in God of War Mod

The inventive update wowed Redditors who responded to the video, with one player suggesting that the game should be renamed “God of Doom.” Other commentators were keen to instal the Doom Slayer to their copy of God of War, with Winter-Flow kindly offering details on the mod for those who wanted to test it out for themselves. This isn’t the first time id Software’s power-armoured protagonist has appeared in the Nine Realms, however. Another PC mod had the Doom Slayer battling Halo’s Master Chief in the opening sequences of God of War.

This one-of-a-kind mash-up of two of gaming’s strong heroes is guaranteed to make fans of both games grin. While the image of the armoured Doom Slayer rampaging across the snow-shrouded heights of Midgard is certain to frighten the game’s foes, it’s much less distressing than seeing Kratos without his beard.