Donkey Kong Country 2 SNES Cartridge Found by HVAC Technician in Vents

This unexpected find in Harrisonwater’s vents attracted the eye of many players on Reddit. The article has received over 2.7K upvotes in a single day, and many people have commented on the unique discovery. Users shared their tips for reviving an outdated SNES cartridge in the comments area. One suggestion was to blow into it to remove the dust, while another advised rubbing alcohol and cotton swabs. Fortunately, Harrisonwater stated that they have restored the original game’s functionality.

It is not known how the SNES cartridge for Donkey Kong Country 2 got into the vents of the Reddit user’s home, which is a bummer. However, this did not stop some commenters from guessing. Harrisonwater even remarked on its origins, stating that they had just been in the home for about two years and had questioned the same thing.