Civil Discourse for Business Growth | 4 Tips for Corporate Communication

Every team member in the workplace is busy, yet there are peak hours and regular work hours. When there is a need for a meeting, it is important that the meeting is scheduled during a time when all parties will be free to talk.  


These days companies are adopting the work-from-home model. For the companies, this may save costs in rent, but for workers, it can lead to increased distraction in their surroundings. There is also the issue of time zones clashing and other problems. To mitigate these, before meetings are held, everyone should agree on a time and location that best serves them. Meetings need to be scheduled and such schedules maintained if it works for everyone. 


Face-To-Face Discussions

Mails are the go-to communication tool in lots of corporations. It is useful for sending internal memos, gentle reminders, and all, but when it comes to discussions that require some level of debating, like signing contracts. It is better to meet the individual or group in person. 


When you’re speaking with somebody in person, many fears or potential issues are cleared up, and you can then send a mail later based on the discussion that you have had. This method of communication not only promotes trust between coworkers, but it’s also a successful way of communicating effectively.


Active Listening

What is communication if you are not listening to what the other person says and giving your appropriate reply? Notice that I said ‘listening’ to what the other individual has to say and not hearing what the other person has to say. What is the difference, you may wonder?