By the end of the year, Cruise plans to offer robotaxi services in Phoenix and Austin

Indeed, it took Cruise years to start its commercial driverless taxi service in San Francisco. The business had intended to launch a commercial robotaxi service there in 2019 but decided against it since the technology was not yet ready.

In San Francisco, Cruise now provides a variety of services, ranging from daylight rides in autonomous vehicles with safety drivers behind the wheel to nocturnal journeys in totally driverless cars. (At the moment, the firm is not permitted to provide autonomous trips during the day.)

Only a few AV providers have completely driverless cars, also known as Level 4 autonomous vehicles, on public roads at the moment. Waymo, Alphabet’s self-driving company, has been operating its Level 4 cars in Phoenix suburbs for many years, including trips from paying passengers. It also intends to introduce a paid service in San Francisco and the neighboring areas in the coming months.