Apple's VR Headset Could Be Coming Soon, But Will It Be Enough?

Apple’s VR Headset Could Be Coming Soon, But Will It Be Enough?

Currently, society and the industry are captivated by chatbots and conversational AI. Platforms like ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Bing AI are used extensively for interactive conversations, surpassing the one-off question-and-answer format. Siri, Apple’s virtual assistant, is comparatively limited in terms of conversational capabilities. Siri, built on local machine learning leveraging Apple’s A16 Bionic chip’s neural network, differs significantly from generative AI systems based on large language models like ChatGPT.

Apple’s emphasis on local AI processing may hinder the radical advancement of Siri and its ability to compete with platforms like Bard. While a job listing for a Visual Generative Modeling Researcher Role suggests Apple’s interest in generative AI systems, it appears to be in the hiring phase rather than implementing immediate changes.