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A Brief History of Modern Gaming.

Gaming is arguably one of the most popular hobbies in this day and age. When you think back on the many different gaming consoles in the past and compare them to the machines we have today, you can safely say that the industry has gone a long way.

The age of modern gamers is at hand, and before you know it, the way we know gaming today will become history. When it comes to the evolution of gaming, there are several things the industry did to become what it is today.

The Move Online

With games like Fortnite, PUBG, DOTA 2, League of Legends, and more, it’s evident that a big part of the industry is online. In other words, you’ve got lots of online games that you can play with your friends. By doing so you contribute to the online gaming community and present a challenge for game development companies to come up with new and interesting titles.