Wimax coming soon to more places in US

Philadelphia and Pittsburg, Pennsylvania has recently been the leader in expansion of their city wide WiFi system to the new WiMax, 4G high speed, and wireless system. Clearwire is working tirelessly in conjunction with Comcast and Sprint to bring over 3 million people in this city unparalleled wireless service. What this means is anyone anywhere in the radius of 1000 square miles will be able to access their mobile units and computers at lightning speed.

Wimax coming soon to more places in US

People will not have to look for free WiFi hotspot establishments in order to run their laptops for pleasure or business. Since this service covers 1000 square miles it will cover all of those difficult rural areas where internet connection and mobile device connections have always been an ongoing problem.

WiMax is very similar to WiFi, but with one big difference, and that is the range of connection and the quality of connection has been much improved. Mobile speeds are increased tremendously to average download speeds of 3-6 mbps with bursts of over 10 mbps.




Mobile device manufactures are looking for a boom in sales as is the computer manufacturers due to the accessibility of service for many people who could not get service or connections in their areas. WiMax is constantly updating their connection services by installing new towers every day, bringing excellent connectivity to rural areas. Clearwire is working hard to bring people the same internet service they would find in their homes, no matter where they are on the road or in the workplace.

While Clearwire, Comcast and Sprint are working in conjunction with one another in Pennsylvania, using this as a test state, services are so improved that it will not be long before this concept reaches other US areas. This is good news for not only populations that are residents within the city, but for the millions who reside in rural areas as well. This means that the rural communities no matter where they may exist will soon be connected to the world.

Those in rural settings have never had this experience before and are looking forward to being able to hear clearly on their mobile devices anytime and be able to enjoy the privileges of high speed connectivity on their computers. Many of the residence in rural have avoided purchasing mobile devices due to the slow connectivity in their areas.

Of course this service is not free, but is still worth the money to sign up for a plan. Clearwire is still in the process of working out plan options for the populace that are interested in this up to date high speed and clearer service. Currently, Clearwire has several mobile and internet plan packages that people can buy up, and pay by the day or month. Several of these plans do not have nasty contracts to sign. This new WiMax system is not going to be free, however the service is unbeatable, and almost a necessary amenity for any rural household.

So for those who are behind the times due to low, slow, or no connectivity, there is hope and a solution on the way. Soon even the most remote communities will be connected and able to utilize the unlimited possibilities of the internet. This will spark more sales, new businesses, and increased stability in the economy.

Author Peter Tarkington is a website consultant and content contributor for wirelessinternet.org, a site which lists providers of 4G networks and tracks the latest advances in available web connections. If you wish to write for us, kindly check this.