New report from Aruba Networks suggests an emerging breed of mobile workers is eroding traditional work patterns requiring employers to respond.The report reveals characteristics of the newly dubbed #GenMobile, a group of employees defined by their preference for mobility both in terms of the devices they use and their approach to work.
Trends in UAE driving #GenMobile into the workforce
- Mobile device ownership: Ownership of mobile products in UAE is the highest globally with 84% of respondents in UAE owning three or more connected devices and they also display the highest ownership of tablets in the survey (42%).
- Wi-Fi matters: A very high three quarter (75%) of respondents in UAE prefer Wi-Fi at the expense of other connections (4G, 3G or wired), while 77% declare that their mobile devices help them to manage their lives.
- Money isn’t everything: Nearly half (48%) of UAE respondents would prefer to work from home two to three days a week than receive a 10% higher salary and over one third (35%) would rather have their employer pay for the smartphone of their choice than a 5% higher salary.
- A new workday is emerging: Over four in ten (42%) believe they work most efficiently before 9amor after 6pm rather than traditional working hours.
- Work from home: 42% respondents in UAE say they work most efficiently from home as compared to an office, café or other public spaces.
- All things connected: It’s no surprise that a little under two thirds (63%) want their cars connected but it is interesting to see over one half (53%) want their clothes or shoes or kitchen appliances like cookers and fridges to be connected in the next five years.
- Tech at work is essential: A quarter (25%) would rather be able to bring their own device to work than have an office with a window, and over two thirds (67%) would rather their company paid for their choice of device than provided them with lunch.
- Remote working on the rise: Over half (51%) expect their number of remote work hours to increase in the next twelve months.
GenMobile are more likely than other groups to access mobile apps such as Facebook (17%) and Twitter (14%). But they are also 20% more likely to access and respond to work emails on their mobile device. For GenMobile, mobile is second nature to both a work and personal life.However, there remains space for human interaction in the life of a #GenMobile. Nearly two thirds (63%) indicated that they still value the time when they can disconnect their devices, suggesting that companies must be able to provide effective downtime when it is needed.