Automotive Systems Explained

A modern automobile is a complex machine made of several parts that work together efficiently. These parts perform tasks in groups called systems. Several systems make up a modern automobile, some working individually and others working together for more complex tasks such as automotive software services.

Types of Automotive Systems
Even as the modern car keeps evolving, with modern system additions, some of which require IT outsourcing, some systems have consistently been an essential part of the vehicle’s operations. These systems are discussed comprehensively below.

The Engine and its Components



The engine system is one of the most complex and demanding electronic parts of a vehicle. The engine converts chemical energy into mechanical energy that is then used to move the vehicle. Engine electronics usually have the highest computing power of all automotive systems in a car.

The functions controlled by the ECU vary depending on the engine type. They include fuel injection rate, cooling system control, turbocharger control, and emission control in diesel engines and lambda control, throttle control, fuel injection rate control, lubrication system control, and ignition system control in Gasoline engines.


The Chassis