5 Most promising games featured during the PAX East 2022 Event

5 Most promising games featured during the PAX East 2022 Event

5 Most promising games featured during the PAX East 2022 Event


Dome Keeper is a game that requires you to multitask. As implied by the title, your primary objective is to secure the dome. To accomplish so, though, you’ll need to arm your infrastructure and defences with materials mined from the depths below. As you delve into the ground and explore the caves underneath, uncovering resources and long-lost alien relics, a time will come when you must return to the surface to defend your dome from invading hostile lifeforms.

It’s a really straightforward notion, but believe us when we say that things can get quite difficult in Dome Keeper. It combines tower defence gameplay with exploration in a Metroid-style game. These are two diametrically opposite gameplay types, yet they combine to create a fascinating and engaging experience that motivated us to continue venturing deeper into the universe to protect our stronghold. It might be frustrating as the game progresses, but we’ve always felt satisfied with surviving another round. Dome Keeper is an excellent pick-up-and-play action base builder, and with the addition of more worlds planned for later this year, this roguelike mining game has the potential to be a terrific bit-sized action game.