Zelda Speedrunners Ready for New Challenges with Breath of the Wild 2

Zelda Speedrunners Ready for New Challenges with Breath of the Wild 2

Fortunately, Tears of the Kingdom seems poised to fulfill these wishes with its impressive sandbox environment and mechanics. The gameplay trailer in March showcased new features such as Fuse, Ascend, Recall, and Ultrahand abilities, providing speedrunners with ample opportunities to dive deep into the game and discover innovative strategies.

Player 5 further commented on the potential of these new mechanics, stating, “Fuse could make the weapon routing for fighting the bosses in Tears of the Kingdom pretty cool, pretty unique. I think Ascend could be pretty interesting. It’ll be interesting to see if we can break that.” Weapon routing plays a vital role in speedrunning, allowing players to defeat bosses quickly, and it appears that Fuse may have been designed precisely for this purpose.