Look into reviews and make sure the company is pleasant to work with. Figure out if the company delivers on its promises. And before you sign any contracts (did they give you a contract?) make sure you read over everything.
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Remember that Everything is Negotiable
The title says it all. Before you get into a phone call with a company and figure out pricing, make sure that your negotiating skills are up to par. The best thing that could happen is that you get a lower and more budget-friendly price on your ad purchase.
However, the worst thing that could happen is that you have to pay the price that they initially advertise to you. And in some cases, this is definitely way more expensive than it should be.
But I would note that it’s important to be careful, as well. Some areas of Las Vegas have high levels of competition, and you don’t want to get bought out before you make a decision. Or, if the company decides that you aren’t worth working with for the price you’re offering, they might just settle on someone else who is willing to pay full price.