Xbox Porting Plans for the Series by Postal Devs

Xbox Porting Plans for the Series by Postal Devs

Running With Scissors created a custom image showcasing The Postal Dude clutching a petition that fans will recall from the Postal 4: No Regrets town bidet quest to welcome the Postal series onto the Xbox platform. In the graphic, it is asked, “Hey @xbox, would you mind signing this petition?” it has all but two signatures. Edensin serves as the backdrop against which The Postal Guy stands in Postal 4’s major scene.

Running With Scissors is requesting support from gamers who share its dream of Postal appearing on Xbox by posing the following question: “Tweet with #POSTALonXbox if you want the POSTAL games on Xbox!” On the real poster, the hashtag is displayed once more in green along with the uplifting text “Only you can make a difference (Maybe)”. Fans are generally responding favourably in the comments. The tweet has already received over 500 retweets, many of which include comments from followers expressing their joy.