World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight Login Screen Now Features a Dragon Queen

World of Warcraft recently debuted a new login screen, followed by the primary theme of Dragonflight a few months later. The soaring and uplifting music and backdrop now contain a flyover of the Dragon Queen herself, set over a magnificent sight of Thaldraszus’ mist covered Tyrhold.

During the looping scene, Alexstrasza falls on one of Thaldraszus’ lofty pillars. She clings to it for a split second before flying off and gliding beyond the screen. The addition of action to an otherwise serene setting breathes new life into the login page. Given that every login screen in World of Warcraft’s history has had a gate, a dragon, or both, Alexstrasza’s inclusion in the Dragonflight login screen may be seen as unavoidable.