recycle bin on windows 10

Where is the Recycle Bin on Windows 10

Method 5: Add Recycle Bin to Windows 10 Desktop

1. Use the Windows key + I short-key to open the Settings app. 
2. Navigate to Personalization -> Themes.

3. On the right pane, scroll down to the Related Settings section, and click the “Desktop icon settings” link.
4. Select the checkbox for the Recycle Bin icon you want to appear on your desktop, and then click OK.

Method 6: Pin Recycle Bin to Start Menu

1. If you want to pin Recycle Bin to the Start Menu, just right-click the Recycle Bin icon on the desktop and then choose “Pin to Start“.

2. You should see the Recycle Bin icon show up in the Start Menu as a tile.

recycle bin on windows 10