When to upgrade your iPhone to a newer generation


Number 2 – If you are not subscribed to the Apple upgrade program

If you have bought an iPhone, but are not subscribed to the upgrade program, then things get a bit tricky. iPhones on their own, cost a lot, especially if you are going for the top-end model, and in such cases, brute-forcing the purchase is difficult. If you are an enthusiast, then you may still end up buying the new iPhones, because obviously, you want to try out the new features and upgrades. But, if you are the average consumer, who just wants a workhorse of a device for day-to-day activities, then the best thing to do is to pull the existing device as long as possible.

The golden number for upgrading the iPhone, for an average customer, should be 3 years. This is because, Apple’s hardware stays relevant with its features for at least 3 years before it becomes slightly obsolete, and three years gives you enough time to save up for the new model when it comes.

The components that Apple uses on their iPhones, are absolutely high quality, and you will find absolutely no problems using the device for as long as you find it relevant, but what we found is that post the three year period, the battery life starts waning, the camera may start looking a bit out of date, and the software will start getting slightly heavy for the device. You won’t find a lag, but you will notice that some processes will take a bit longer than usual, and it is to be expected.