Whats the new thingy that’s running on PC’s laptops and tablets? Windows 8


Another advantage is the bridge with cloud services from Microsoft. Windows 8 enables users to keep their Windows sessions, and their preferences and find a number of basic parameters, whatever the PC used. This is very convenient for mobility management.


Sky drive integration Windows 8.


The Metro GUI is the most radical change introduced by Windows 8. The touch interface will offer people with touch screens greater flexibility to perform certain operations, such as rotations, views in-depth, etc. You can manipulate objects as if they were in front of you.

The advantage of Windows 8 is its ultra-fast start. Windows 8 will start faster than Windows 7. Your computer will turn on in about 10 seconds and is, therefore, more reactive. When you turn off your device, the operating system terminates sessions, programs, and services, but it saves the state of the session on the hard disk. Thus, it will always remain “open”, even if you close your computer. In other words, it has removed the need for a sleep mode.

The task manager is redesigned slightly It has processes with simpler names. This is the end of complex and meaningless names with the extension. Exe. Also, look out for the start-up and app history tab.