What you should do after getting your Virtual Private Server(VPS)?

Restart the server:

sudo reboot

Check for updates:

sudo apt list –upgradeable

You should see the following text:

root@server2:~# sudo apt list –upgradeable

Listing… Done


Active kernel version

To check the current kernel version, enter the command:

uname -r

You’ll see:

root@kernelUpgrade:~# uname -r



4.4. here is the current kernel version. After the update, you can check whether the version has changed with the same command.

Installing new kernel

Create a folder for the new kernel version, make it a working folder. In this example we are going to install the 4.11.2: version:

sudo mkdir -p ~/4.11.2

cd ~/4.11.2

Download the necessary version packages. To do so, perform the following commands:

wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.11.2/ linux-headers-4.11.2-041102_4.11.2-041102.201705201036_all.deb