What Does Jason Hope Think About Nano Technology & Is It Going to Change the Future?

This technology can also be used to improve wind power generation facilities by making turbine blades that have embedded CNTs which will significantly increase their efficiency and could even help reduce the space needed for these plants. In addition, these ‘nano turbines’ would function much more quietly than conventional windmills without any vibrations or noise disturbances. This is because when air passes through them, sound waves are produced within the hollow structures of nano turbines which causes the overall structure to vibrate and thus produce noise. The use of nanotube-based materials can solve this problem easily as they provide uniform density throughout their bodies so there won’t be any internal vibrating. These new high-capacity storage devices would also be very handy in powering electric vehicles as they would allow us to store more energy. This will be a great leap forward for the cause of environmental protection and will reduce dependency on petroleum products.

Nanotech Aids in Making Us Better Humans

While nanotech has the potential to make us better humans in many ways, it’s also true that its misuse can lead to disasters of unprecedented levels. However, Jason Hope doesn’t feel that nanotech research should be stopped because of this reason. He feels that we must do our best to minimize the risks involved in nanotech-based developments, but at the same time shouldn’t lose hope and stop investing in it. He believes that nanotechnology has a lot of potentials to improve lives and it’s worth giving it a shot.

Nanotech-based genetic engineering is said to lead to the creation of ‘super babies’ with enhanced physical and mental abilities through modification of their DNA. In fact, Hope feels that by 2050, we might have genetically modified organisms that might be on the verge of becoming a new species. However, these developments may not be welcomed by everyone as people with religiously motivated ideologies may feel threatened by any scientific advancements that question their beliefs. This group might try to hamper our progress if it finds some way to do so. Moreover, uncontrollable development in the field of nanotechnology could lead to a huge rise in warfare as people with conflicting interests might use nanotech to destroy their enemies. Even worse, a terrorist organization may find some way to create self-replicating ‘gray goo’ which could lead to the destruction of our planet if it falls into wrong hands.

However, Hope believes that all these possible threats regarding nanotechnology can be taken care of if we all come together and make a concerted effort. He feels that the ethical implications associated with nanotech should be taken very seriously and people working in this field should do their best to make our world a better place.

Jason Hope is convinced that nanotechnology will bring about a technological revolution on par with the industrial revolution, and while it has a lot of potentials to be used for negative purposes, at the same time it can also be a great force for good.