When data is signed with a PKI certificate, anyone can verify that the data came from the owner of the PKI certificate. This process is called digital signatures, and it is what ensures that the data has not been tampered with.
PKI certificates are an essential part of online security, and they are used in many different applications. The following section will discuss some common PKI certificate issues and solutions.
PKI Certificate Issues and Solutions
One common PKI certificate issue is expiring certificates. Every PKI certificate has an expiration date, and it is essential to renew your PKI certificate before it expires.
If a PKI certificate expires, the encrypted data with the certificate can no longer be decrypted. This can cause problems for website owners and users.
Another common PKI certificate issue is revoked certificates. The CA can revoke a PKI certificate if it is no longer valid.
For example, a PKI certificate may be revoked if the owner’s information changes or the private key is compromised. If a PKI certificate is revoked, the encrypted data with the certificate can no longer be decrypted.
A third common PKI certificate issue is misused certificates. A misissued PKI certificate was issued to the wrong person or for the wrong purpose.