Torn between cloud and on-premise file Sharing? Here’s a solution for SMBs that won’t break the bank

The need for digital transformation has never been clearer as companies of all sizes now face an immediate challenge of employees working remotely.

The year 2020 has changed the way we work, we had no other options but to move from offline to online. It can be hard to find great IT products that allow you to have a smooth and seamless shift, and to safely: store, share, and collaborate on files from anywhere. Furthermore, we commonly see many SMBs having a hard time deciding between SaaS and on-premise solutions such as traditional File Server and Network Attached Storage (NAS).

Pay-as-you-go SaaS won’t take you far

Cloud adoption boomed in 2020. The low initial investment costs and maintenance of ‘pay-as-you-go’ SaaS file services are attractive for SMBs, but what about when your business begins to grow?

Subscription models on a per-account basis can become a significant burden as you begin to hire more people. Recent surveys by Kentik, Densify, and Flexera found that cost management and over-spending are primary concerns for companies investing in cloud services.