Thousands of Hyper-Volumetric HTTP DDoS Attacks Surge 65% in Q3

Thousands of Hyper-Volumetric HTTP DDoS Attacks Surge 65% in Q3

HTTP/2 Vulnerability Spurs Unprecedented DDoS Onslaught

In recent findings by Cloudflare, a concerning trend has emerged in the world of cyber threats. Since the disclosure of the HTTP/2 Rapid Reset vulnerability, there have been “thousands” of hyper-volumetric HTTP distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks. What’s more alarming is that 89 of these attacks exceeded a staggering 100 million requests per second (rps).

These relentless attacks have led to a 65% surge in the total number of HTTP DDoS attacks in the third quarter compared to Q2. Additionally, L3/4 DDoS attacks saw a 14% increase, marking a disturbing escalation in online threats.