The money issue and other facts about React Native developer


Places where experienced React Native developers hide out.

The money issue and other facts about React Native developer

You can use several sources to post a vacancy at once:

  • By recommendation. Contact partners who have already dealt with building applications.
  • Job sites and online job search platforms. GitHub Jobs, Upwork, Freelancer, Stack Overflow, PayScale, We Work Remotely, Topta, Guru and Glassdoor.
  • Social media. You can post both in your own sources and use Facebook, LinkedIn and others to search for specialists and view CVs.
  • Recruiting agencies. The essence of this method is shifting tasks to experienced professionals. Specialists search for candidates based on specified criteria, interview them, and leave only the suitable programmers to network with you. They do the work for you.
  • Conferences and Meetups and other IT events. You can become their participant, evaluate experts, understand the topic and choose the right future employee or team of developers.

Possible options for cooperation with React Native developer

Your tasks determine the choice of the right platform and executor.

Analyze your future project according to the following parameters:

  • your team’s professionalism and area of expertise
  • budget
  • the desired goals

If you need a full-time employee for day-to-day tasks or a specialist for a new line of business, you should consider an in-house specialist.


For one-time projects, temporary replacement or assistance to a staff member, either a freelancer or outstaffing is the right choice. Outstaffing is the rental of an experienced specialist to the “staff”. This is a convenient way to get an experienced specialist on loan and save yourself from routine tasks, as well as to increase the time needed to complete a project.


The demanded  and interesting option is outsourcing. You can outsource the project or its part to a professional team. The executor himself determines what specialists should be part of the team to achieve the result. Here we can talk a lot about the value of such services, but their advantages are undeniable. You do not just use the extensive experience of a professional team, which allows you to implement the project in the shortest possible time, but you also reduce the administrative costs in the long run. 

Tell me where you live, and I’ll tell you how much you earn.

Indeed, there are many criteria by which a salary for a React Native developer is determined. The main ones are experience, professionalism and location.

But before we talk about statistics, it’s worth discussing the mistakes employers make. And the most important of them is the misconception that a good specialist can be cheap. Yes, an inexperienced or obsolete developer will indeed cost a company cheap, but it will be impossible to achieve the desired result. In this case, you will lose not only money, but also time.