The God of War Ragnarok Preload is now available

Santa Monica Studio’s soft relaunch of the God of War series was launched four years ago. Previously renowned as a game that emphasized brutality and chaotic action above the storyline, God of War 2018 offers an in-depth look at protagonist Kratos accepting an unusual role as a parent. God of War Ragnarok will further explore that bond, with Kratos and his son Atreus attempting to avert a prophesied disaster.

Owners of the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5 may begin preparing for Ragnarok’s arrival today. Preloading has begun with seven days till the release of God of War Ragnarok, as has been customary for digital releases on PlayStation platforms. That implies that individuals who pre-ordered a digital copy of God of War Ragnarok will be able to access the game’s profile in the PlayStation Store and download the game before its official release. It won’t be playable until November 9, but it means users won’t have to download the whole game when it first comes out.