The future of user interfaces

The future of user interfaces

VUI may also become quintessential tech in every household in the near future too, as many homes across the globe currently possess their own smart home tech equipped with smart assistants.
Expanding on the capabilities of IoT connected devices
Speaking of smart home tech, it’s likely that all of these emerging UI capabilities will be trialled on consumer goods before being integrated into our daily procedures and interactions, meaning that you could potentially enjoy capabilities like gesture recognition at home on a smart speaker or other IoT device before you see them on your public transit system or in other public spaces. This is exciting for fans of personal consumer tech, yes, but it can also be highly beneficial for tech developers, as working with the capabilities of IoT connected devices can potentially allow for innovations in user interface design to occur organically, and maybe even collaboratively across the globe.

Having designers pinpointing growth areas together and then developing UI designs to target individual users can provide large-scale UI design projects (like developing control panels in cars, ships, planes, and maybe even rocket ships) with a solid structural foundation.

Every innovation that mankind can ever credit themselves with has started from humble beginnings, and UI is no exception to this rule. Whilst many of the capabilities we’ve outlined on this list may have emerged first from dreams well before they could’ve even entered our reality, we will very likely live to see some if not all these technologies become a part of our everyday lives sooner than we may realise.