The easy way to cancel your stream service accounts

It is a well-known fact that many of us don’t pay close attention to the streaming services to which we subscribe and just end up paying. It’s simple to opt for a trial membership, or to decide to enroll “only for a couple of months,” and then entirely forget about it, especially today, when there are so many services competing for our attention. Meanwhile, your credit card gets pinged once a month.

So, particularly if your money is limited, it may be a good idea to review your existing streaming subscriptions and cancel those that you haven’t used in many months. (After all, unless you’re grandfathered into a very excellent bargain — which is becoming rarer these days — you can always re-up if there’s anything on the service you want to watch.)

In this article, we are going to tell you how you can cancel your streaming service accounts from some of the popular services in the market.


Number 1. Netflix


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Netflix now provides three distinct plans: Basic ($9.99 per month), Standard ($15.49 per month), and Premium ($19.99 per month); the variations between the three are in video quality and resolution.