The drop rate for rare World Boss mounts in Pandaria and Draenor is increasing dramatically in World of Warcraft

This adjustment will likely bring great delight to prominent Twitch streamers like Asmongold, who, with his immensely popular mount and transmogrification tournaments, kept the community together during some of World of Warcraft’s worst days. While it is true that these modifications deprive mounts of their uniqueness, it is a development that is ultimately beneficial to the game. The following mounts are affected:

  • Reins of the Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent
  • Son of Galleon’s Saddle
  • Reins of the Cobalt Primordial Direhorn
  • Reins of the Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent
  • Solar Spirehawk

Perhaps the issue isn’t so much with their exceedingly low drop rate as it is with the lack of any poor luck protection systems, like those found in Final Fantasy 14’s Extreme Trial mounts. Fans of World of Warcraft believe that setting a cap on loot attempts, where players would acquire the mount as a guarantee after a specific number of pulls, is the ideal answer. Outlier scenarios, such as farming a 1% drop rate mount over the period of 500 tries, would be prohibited. While the entire implications of these World of Warcraft loot adjustments are unknown, they are unquestionably a step in the right direction.