The Director of Sonic Frontiers claims that the game will evolve the franchise


The tweet goes on to say that the purpose of Sonic Frontiers was to take a risk and evolve the franchise, which he decided on five years ago when he began work on the game. He adds mentions five years of “relentless aggressiveness,” implying that everyone on the development team worked tirelessly to make the game the best it could be, concluding his tweet with a confident “it’s time to win.”

Many blogs, content providers, and other individuals who were able to play Sonic Frontiers had good first impressions of the game. While many of these players are divided on issues such as the Cyber Space levels, the majority of the positive feedback has come from the open-zone setting and the range of activities available. With these early good reactions, it seems that Kishimoto and Sonic Team’s risk will pay off and serve as a pattern for future releases.

Sonic Frontiers will be available on PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S on November 8th.