The BEST way to make a Minecraft server with Hamachi

Step 3: Install and Set Up the Minecraft Server

  1. Download the Minecraft server software from the official website:
  2. Save the downloaded .jar file in a dedicated folder on your computer.
  3. Double-click the .jar file to start the server. This will generate necessary server files.
  4. Open the “eula.txt” file that’s generated in the server folder and change “eula=false” to “eula=true” to accept the End User License Agreement.
  5. Customize your server settings in the “” file, including server name, world settings, and other options.


Step 4: Connect Your Friends via Hamachi

  1. Your friends should also download and install Hamachi on their computers.
  2. Instruct them to join the network you created in Step 2 by clicking “Network” > “Join an existing network” and entering the network name and password.


Step 5: Share Your Hamachi IP

  1. Within Hamachi, you’ll see your Hamachi IP address. It will look something like “5.x.x.x.” Share this IP address with your friends.


Step 6: Configure Minecraft Client

  1. Launch Minecraft on your computer and click “Multiplayer.”
  2. Click “Direct Connect” and enter your Hamachi IP address (the one starting with 5.x.x.x) followed by a colon and the Minecraft server port (default is 25565). For example: “5.x.x.x:25565.”
  3. Click “Join Server” to connect to your Minecraft server.