Tekion's Automotive Retail Cloud Software Revolutionizes Car Dealership Operations

Tekion’s Automotive Retail Cloud Software Revolutionizes Car Dealership Operations

Breaking into the competitive DMS (Dealer Management System) industry, where established businesses like Reynolds & Reynolds and CDK Global have existed for years, was a huge hurdle for Tekion. However, the business has managed to convert dealers that were on the same DMS systems for 40 years, according to Vijayan. He stated that the firm had to tell sellers why they were different and could make a fundamental difference to their business to assist them to level the playing field with this technology and have the advantage to operate now and in the future.

Vijayan described Tekion’s Automotive Retail Cloud software as “very simple and beautiful”, adding that it’s how he believes software should be. “Humans do a lot of the work, but modern technology makes that job easy and straightforward. If it makes the task more complicated, there’s simply no purpose for it.”