Big news from Hail! Adel bin Salih Al-Sheikh, the undersecretary of the governorate, had a cool meet-up on Thursday with Matteo Bersani, an Italian professor rolling through the Kingdom on some high-tech wheels. Bersani, who’s part of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology crew, is on a mission to raise awareness about the challenges people with disabilities face. He’s got a spinal injury from a car accident but isn’t letting that slow him down.
So, get this – he’s cruising through different parts of the Kingdom, and for each leg of his journey, he’s rocking some new tech developed by the brainiacs at KAUST. It’s not just a joyride; it’s a showcase of how technology can make a difference. Let’s cheer on folks like Bersani who are making moves to highlight important issues and push the boundaries of what’s possible.