Steam Breaks a New Concurrent User Record

Steam Breaks a New Concurrent User Record

According to SteamDB, which tracks user counts in games and on the platform in general, Valve’s new Steam concurrent user record is 30,049,264 concurrent players. The company recently passed 30 million users for the first time, and it appears that this was no fluke, as the number has risen even further. This growth is likely due to a number of factors, and Valve may end up breaking another record during its iconic holiday sales period.

The increased availability of gaming PC parts is one of the primary reasons for Steam’s recent growth. It was difficult for gamers to obtain what they needed to play recent, resource-heavy video games on a PC due to a variety of factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic. Scalpers marked up video cards significantly, forcing players to either spend significantly more than usual or wait. However, things have recently begun to stabilize, and Nvidia has introduced its RTX 4000 series, reducing demand for the less powerful but still impressive 3000 line and providing players with more affordable options.