Stealthy Android Malware Employing Rare Technique: Your Banking Data at Risk – Stay Informed and Secure

The capabilities of MMRat are nothing short of chilling. From harvesting network, screen, and battery data to pilfering contact lists, conducting keylogging operations, capturing real-time screen content, recording and live-streaming camera data, and even dumping screen data in text formats, MMRat is a formidable adversary in the digital realm. To top it off, the malware possesses a self-destruct mechanism, allowing it to vanish without a trace if the need arises.

The standout feature of MMRat lies in its capacity to capture real-time screen content efficiently, and this is where the protobuf data serialization method comes into play. This custom protocol for data exfiltration operates through a range of ports and protocols, facilitating seamless data exchange with its command and control (C2) server.