Spooky Pokémon Alert: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC Introduces Poltchageist

Spooky Pokémon Alert: Pokémon Scarlet and Violet DLC Introduces Poltchageist

Game Freak has unveiled a new spooky Pokémon named Poltchageist, which will be featured in the upcoming DLC for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Poltchageist is a grass and ghost type Pokémon with a matcha green tea theme.

In ‘The Haunting Tale of Poltchageist’ teaser trailer, the origin story of Poltchageist is revealed. It was once a neglected tea caddie that transformed into a Pokémon over time. The animation showcases how Poltchageist can spread matcha onto people and then draw their life force and strength back in, which is quite a unique and eerie ability for the Pokémon world.