Sony VPL-HW40ES Home Theater Projector Review.

Sony VPL-HW40ES Home Theater Projector Review.

Sony has been always praised for its promise of the best color accuracy rates and with HW40ES it sincerely keeps up with its promise. The color output is quite accurate with PR-650 as measured by PhotoResearch, roughly matching the HDTV spec, although the built-in color management system comes out as a bit wonky.

Color accuracy actually makes the skin tone of the picture more livelier while the skies and the grass look very real adding more genuineness to the picture quality.


Our verdict is very positive about the VPL-HW40ES as it turns out to be the best project at that price range and with the brand of Sony attached with it, the consumer would never feel any regrets opting for the device. In spite of few flaws here and there, the device is very quiet and delivers accurate color, along with great contrast and light output while watching a movie.