Samsung Brings on Mercedes-Benz Designer to Revamp Mobile Design Team

Samsung Brings on Mercedes-Benz Designer to Revamp Mobile Design Team

It may take some time before the effects of Lee’s appointment are evident in Samsung’s products, as the company’s development timelines and the release of its next Galaxy S series phones suggest that the design for its 2024 flagship has already been decided. However, even if this is the case, it is unlikely that there will be any dramatic changes in the design of Samsung’s products. In recent years, phone companies have generally played it safe in terms of design, and this trend is not expected to change anytime soon. Nonetheless, Lee may still bring some small but significant changes to Samsung’s design approach, similar to Evans Hankey’s role at Apple following Jony Ive’s departure. Overall, the appointment of Hubert H. Lee as the head of Samsung’s MX Design Team is a promising development for the company, and it will be interesting to see how his unique perspective and leadership skills shape the future of Samsung’s product design.