PlayStation Trophies May Soon Make Their Way to PC Gaming

PlayStation Trophies May Soon Make Their Way to PC Gaming

Sony's Expanding PlayStation PC Label Hints at Cross-Platform Trophies

This potential integration isn’t entirely without precedent. In August 2022, dataminers unearthed evidence of PSN integration in the Steam version of “Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered.” Furthermore, offering cross-platform achievements that overlap with Steam or the Epic Games Store isn’t a groundbreaking move. Industry giants like Ubisoft and EA have offered similar functionalities for years, enabling players to unlock achievements across multiple gaming platforms.

The Road Ahead

If PlayStation Trophies do indeed make their way to PC gaming, it’s likely that this feature will be applied retroactively to some, if not all, of Sony’s existing PC ports. As it stands, there’s no shortage of former PlayStation exclusives now available on PC, with more slated for future launches. “Helldivers 2” is the next title in line, set to debut on Steam on February 8 alongside its PS5 version. Beyond that, “Horizon Forbidden West” has been confirmed for a Steam release sometime in 2024, further expanding the bridge between Sony’s console and PC gaming worlds.