A free-to-play weekend is now underway for The Anacrusis, a four-player cooperative First Person Shooter in Early Access that is obviously influenced by Left 4 Dead. Getting recognition for independent games is becoming more difficult. Multiplayer games, notably those in Early Access on Steam, have resorted to free-to-play sessions to combine marketing and testing efforts. The Anacrusis is the most recent example, and it’s one that co-op players won’t want to miss out on.
The Anacrusis, which was first released in January 2022, claimed to take 9-12 months of Early Access to grow and test before it was completely released. A year later, The Anacrusis is still not finished, but creator Stray Bombay wants to get the game in front of more people. Stray Bombay, on the other hand, hasn’t spent the previous year napping. It has issued 26 separate updates for The Anacrusis with no signs of stopping down. It’s unclear how much more of The Anacrusis Stray Bombay intends to work on before releasing it, although the game is closer to completion than ever.