Genji has profited significantly from the switch to 5v5. Genji has overcome several challenges since switching to a single tank and reducing crowd control. However, since he wasn’t engaged in the meta until launch, he hasn’t gotten tuning updates—an deliberate choice based on our overall tendency to avoid preemptive tweaks wherever feasible. These modifications will align Genji with other flanking damage heroes like Tracer and Reaper.
- Shuriken — Maximum ammo reduced from 30 to 24 — Damage reduced from 29 to 27
- Steel Trap — Fixed in the last update- Arming time increased from 0.5 to 0.75 seconds — Fixed in last update- Trapped duration reduced from 3 to 2.5 seconds
Sombra’s revamp increased her damage significantly, helping to compensate for Hack’s shortened ability lockout time. This has proved to be much too lethal for a flanker with unfettered access to the opposing backlines, particularly in 5v5.
She may also no longer channel hack on a target that has previously been hacked since feedback showed that the lowered cooldown paired with hacking from stealth was too aggravating for many players. This is effectively a per-target cooldown that allows Hack to maintain its existing 4-second cooldown while hacking several targets.
- Hack — The length of the ability lockout has been decreased from 1.75 to 1.5 seconds. For the length of the 8-second impact, hacked adversaries are no longer viable targets for hacking. The hacked enemy damage multiplier has been lowered from 40 to 25%.