Mario Kart Tour Unveils 24th Wave of Mii Racing Suits and Teases 25th Wave Release

The clip also announced that the 25th wave of Mii Racing Suits would be released on February 8th, 2023. However, little is presently known about the impending cosmetic beyond its silhouette, which can be noticed in the teaser. Through these frequent updates bringing new aesthetic choices for the character type, Mario Kart Tour is keeping Miis alive, and it appears probable there will be many more waves of Mii cosmetics in the very near future.

It is obvious that there won’t be a dearth of material for Mario Kart Tour anytime soon considering how much attention it is receiving, as seen by the most recent Christmas event that featured a new track. With such a vast number of aesthetic choices available, users should have no trouble picking exactly the perfect attire for their Mii.