Making Sense of Website Data: 3 Tips

Making Sense of Website Data: 3 Tips

There are a few key statistics that every website needs to pay attention to, and this is where any traffic is coming from and which of your products/services are the most popular (if you happen to be selling something). These two vital pieces of data are the bread and butter of conducting analysis; they allow you to learn which areas you excel in and which areas need some work.

For example, if you find that all of your traffic comes from google; first of all, this is great news. You have mastered the art of SEO, and this is a true strong point for your website. However, if you also see that the traffic levels coming from Youtube or email outreach are abysmal, then this could be a good indicator that something isn’t working quite right.

Learning what information is going to have the most importance for your website is crucial when conducting analysis, and once you get a grip on this, everything else will fall into place shortly after.


Learn How To Read Between the Lines

There is only so much that website data can tell you. At a certain point, you need to know how to read between the lines if you want to maximise your website’s potential. Keeping a tight grip on statistics and numbers is all well and good when just looking to conduct basic analysis, but if you are really looking to dive in deep and take a look at the specifics, this is where a little deduction can be a god-send.