The upcoming ?Mac mini? is about to undergo its first significant design update since 2010, making it Apple’s smallest desktop computer to date. The new model is expected to be close in size to an Apple TV, though it might be slightly taller than the current 1.4-inch height. The device will maintain its aluminum exterior, with reports suggesting it’s essentially “an iPad Pro in a compact box.”
Apple has reportedly tested ?Mac mini? prototypes with at least three USB-C ports, a space for the power cable, and an HDMI port. The ?Mac mini? will come in two versions: one featuring the standard M4 chip, akin to the ?iPad Pro?, and another with the more powerful M4 Pro chip. The base model is expected to start shipping from suppliers this month, with a release planned for later in the year, while the higher-end model is anticipated to be ready by October.
This M4 generation of Apple silicon marks a milestone for the company, as it’s the first time the same chip generation will be used across all Mac models, including the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, iMac, Mac Studio, and Mac Pro, with updates expected throughout the next year.